EMXC Youth Updates
Season Opener Sunday Nov 24th 10:30-12:30
Join us this Sunday, Nov 24, for our Season Opener at Lincoln-Sudbury High School.Great opportunity to learn about the club and connect with EMXC friends. Youth will have a dryland practice with their new teammates. Wear sneakers and layers.
There will be an information session for new families. Used clothing sale (bring outgrown
EMXC Juniors Updates
Summer Camp
Last month, 36 EMXC Juniors skiers headed to Dublin, NH for a team training camp at Dublin School. Coaches Chris, Avery, Marika, Mark, Nick, Robert, and Devin attended to help lead camp. Camp is one of the highlights of the summer, as it cultivates a lot of opportunity for team bonding, culture-building, and fun and focused training!
Our amazing coaches!Day 1